Mentor Profile


Carleton Brown

  • University of Texas at El Paso

Short Bio

Dr. Carleton Brown is currently a Tenured and Associate Professor at The University of Texas at El Paso in the Educational Psychology and Special Services department. Dr. Brown has worked in school districts as a secondary education teacher, school counselor as well as workshop leader, and advisor to school leaders. He studies issues related to the role of the school counselor in areas of leadership, advocacy, and supervision. Examples include researching school counselors' leadership and advocacy in responding to school shootings, school counselor site-supervisor self-efficacy, and promoting school counselors' advocacy and social justice needs in working with diverse students. More information about Dr. Brown may be found here.

Summer Writing Collaborative Focus

As a recently tenured associate professor who had no real formal mentoring, I desire to assist similar junior faculty in their trajectory. Toward the end of my first year as an assistant professor, I was considering changing professions. In fact, there were a few colleagues ahead of me, who either left higher education or decided to leave research-intensive institutions. Luckily, I was able to navigate through this time period with informal help from others here and there. I hope to be able to assist newly minted faculty with encouragement and help to get their publications started. I am currently writing a manuscript assessing a training that I provided on school shootings to school counselors. I also have collected enough data to assess a school counselors' online site-supervisor training and will turn this into an article. As a co-principal investigator of an interdisciplinary grant (special education and school counseling), I am also collecting qualitative data as part of a study to explore the social-emotional needs of youth with disabilities. These are a few of my current projects but I also have ideas for conceptual manuscripts and I am open to establishing new projects with individuals with research interests that align with my research agenda.